Welcome to my Lighting dev post!
Today I present the result of lighting tutorial. I made the videos that you can see the surrounding of the monkey object which is in the room. At first I deleted the default directional light as it affected the lighting set up later in the tutorial. Then I had the plane act as the source of light. This plane was applied color via material. There is another plane and both of planes have different color. The videos consist 4 steps: the first two are raw lights, the third one is baked version and final one is baked version with post processing layer.
During the set up of light to make it reflect somewhat according to the requirements, I walked through the steps:
-Step 1: From the Lighting Setting, I change the skybox material to none, then set the ambient color to black; next I disable Realtime Lighting setting (unchecked Realtime Global Illumination).
-Step 2: I changed stats in Lightmapping Setting. The couples stats I changed:
+ Lightmapper: Progressive GPU (Preview)
+ Direct Samples: 62
+ Indirect Samples: 1000
+ Bounces: 2
+ Filtering: AUto
+ Lightmap Resolution: 120 texels per unit
+ Lightmap Padding: 12 texels
+ Lightmap Size: 512
+ Compress Lightmap: Unchecked
+ Ambient Occlusion: Checked
+ Max Distance 0.7
+ Indirection Contribution: 0.1
-Step 3: I temporarily disable Auto Generating Light mode, then use Generating Lighting setting next to this mode to clear Baked Data and then able the Auto Generating mode again to make the light setting baked like I want it to be.
-Step 4: I created Post Processing object which acted as Amplifier for lighting setting after they are baked. They had unusual way to create it as in the latest version of Post Processing, they no longer has the seperate script setting. Instead, I made it through the following steps:
+Step 4.1: I created a game object, named it PostProcessing, use/create PostProcessing Layer. Then applied Post Process Volume Component and Box Collider.
+ Step 4.2: I created a post processing profile in the asset
+ Step 4.3: I added Post Process Layer component to camera.
+ Step 4.4: I scaled the PostProcessing game object (x:100; y:100; z:100) If I check the Box Collider, the post process will be in use.
UTAS KIT507 Portfolio
Portfolio works for UTAS KIT507 - UTAS username: phamht-487032
Status | In development |
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Author | thongpham2463 |
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